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Hello March

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Hello March!

I know I am few days late, we are already 5 days in the month but still I want to greet you dear sunny, spring month - so hello March! I wish for both of us for you to be nice and warm, with lots of sun and great spring outfits.

Dear (faux of course) fur coat, I love you but I think it is time to part ways for this winter and for you to transform to bright light jackets and blazers, and my dear rubber boots, my Uggs, it has been a lovely, moderate winter  - I will remember you fondly. Bye now.

hello march

wearing Zara canary yellow bow pumps (collection spring 2014), Calzedonia socks and Reserved skirt (collection 2014)

A lot has happened since you came, dear March. I went back to work, after 3 months of bedrest - and for real this time. The pain is gone (98% of the time) and I feel so much better. Being at home was an interesting experience which I would gladly repeat but not by being ill but healthy and kicking, and able to use the time off for interesting projects and creative work.

Being at home "sick" - I can`t come to terms with that word and what it represents mainly because I didn`t feel sick, I just had my back hurt and needed to rest until doctor gave the OK. I feel my situation was a small setback compared to battles other people fight so... It made me more apreciative of my health and my body, aware of the situation and how life changes and how one must accept the situation but still make the most of it while recuperating. It was very hard for me to stop training 6 days a week, it was hard for me to come to terms with all that in my head, my body needed rest anyway. It was strange and sometimes difficult to resist the call of working out and still is. Baby steps and I will get there :)

On a much happier thought - hair. I chopped it all of and now have a pixie. Photos will follow in a later post on some later date, but for now lets recap the last few looks. Bob. Bob. Oh look - bob again. Bangs, no bangs (ok, not no bangs but longer version). Bangs again. Too short. Ooopsie. Blonde. Copper. Brown. Natural. Sometimes I am amazed that I have any hair at all, with all that coloring and experiments. But I do. And thank you motheer nature for that.

I went super short this time because my little adventure in platinum blonde land did not go as planned and now I must pay the consequences. Cut my losses. Because it was a loss. The biggest ever. My hair was completely destroyed and with all the breakage and dryness and depigmentation the only sane move was to cut it. and for the first time in my life I am actually sorry for having to do it and I miss my hair teribly. To quote Adele one must "reap what you sowed." Not to get all dramatic and stuff but... "we could`ve had it all..."

Hello March, I hope you like my totally random and rumbling post. Be nice.



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