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yay or WTF?!

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I had this whole text written and then I realised that not much can be said here. Some people love it* (and wear it. And rock the look if I might add.) some of us don`t but this still remains one of the most intrigueing items I have seen this season. I am torn between "its rediculous and hideous" and "it looks so god on ADLR, and I wonder..."

what do you think?

* Balenciaga SS 2012 collection hat


the style crusader said...

Honestly, I think it's a bit ridiculous. WTF is it and WTF is it so massive? I get the whole visor sportswear trend thing... but I just can't help but think this looks a bit silly. I wouldn't want to wear one. I would only wear it for the novelty of pretending to look like I belong in Star Wars. xx

Dubravka Gadžurić said...

E a stvarno je jedan od onih kodamda koji totalno zbunjuju! Mada, rekla bih da je praktičan u jednom lsučaju, kada duva jako vetar kosa ispod takvog šešira ne može da leti i frizura se sigurno neće pokvariti :) a meni je iskreno ružan

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