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Is there fashion with so much snow?

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When snow is mentioned I always have a distinct, and very romanticized for that matter, notion of how a perfect snow conditions look like (me somewhere inside, looking it falling outside). I can`t help but wonder (such an obvious CB reference) isn`t this kind of an oxymoron - perfect snow conditions? Working in a city center, perfect is nohow related to any snow conditions, so, when over 60 cm of snow has covered the ground, and everything around us (in 36 hours of nonstop-full on mode) one must think of a perfect gear for these misfortunate and opposite of perfect winter conditions.

Usually the offer of snow boots is mostly hideous, but here, I think, practicality (and staying warm and dry) trumps the fashion factor. Although, I can say some listed below would be mine if only I could afford them. And the ultimate snow boot is a part of my daily dreaming.

After all this boot browsing, a separate post should be posted and on subject of cool and crazy, chic and fashionable, but totally snow-useless boots there are... I was amazed what could be found and lucky are all those girly who have the climate for those kinds of boots. 

How are you dealing with winter and weather these days?


yiqin; said...

lovely <3

MateaTPol said...

puno cizmica! :) neznam koje bi

The Chic Sheet said...

I just have such an aversion to any sort of heavy or bulky footwear, so snow is never my friend. LOL. Cool picks though ;)


Unknown said...

Number 10 are my favs. I deal with the snow by staying in - I haven't invested in any of the snow suitable boots above.....yet!


Tiffany Style Blog said...

Warm & cozy feet this time of year are a must!! I love #9 and #10!! Great list. :)

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