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Fit gear

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Staying fit and lean has always been kind of an sweet and sour experience. I have always been trainging something or dancing, but hated going to gym more than anything. Now, as I get older, staying in shape is getting more challenging in matters of time and will, and staying in lean shape is something I have to work for. I was always thin, but as I am getting older and of "that" age, fat is holding on more than ever.

When going to gym, or working out at home (current practice), dressing up was hardly ever on my list.
The most important thing is that my clothes fit properly, give the neccessary support, and don`t reveal too much (hence te support). Even though we all like to look our best in any occasion, in the gym I really love to go for comfortable than fashionable. 

Simple and effective - Nike trainers and top, Lonsdale shorts

Talking about fitness fashion, yesterday I came across new H&M fitness collection that seemed quite nice.
I really like simple yet playful pieces, in pastel colors and elegant style.

Do you exercise? What do you wear? How much do you dress up for gym?


Unknown said...

I've just bought a treadmill so definitely have to invest in some more sportswear/fit gear. I don't go to the gym and just tend to wear teeshirt and topshop leggings on my treadmill. Knowing me I would probably dress up for the gym if I did go lol

No chic, Sherlock! said...

Yup, tee&leggings were my first choice, but I found out that I am to hot in leggings. And as for dressing up, I was admiring on several occassions to one great looking gal in the gym who had all these outfits for working out. In diferent colors and styles, but every time all dressed up to the last detail. I thought how great it looks and I said to myself "way to go girl!, I bow to you for the effort". And at the same time I would rather spend the money on a regular outfit than the one for the gym. But she looked damazing.

the style crusader said...

I totally don't dress up for the gym. I'm with you on just wanting something that gives support and is comfortable. I totally need to get back out running again but all the snow has totally put me off. Hopefully it will clear and I'll get some motivation to get my butt out the door! xx

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