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Fall fashion - September picks

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back to work fall outfit casual fall septembe

Tee / Watch / Lips / Skirt / Lips / Nails / Bags / Skinnys / Shades / Jacket / Heels / Striped jacket

Summer is long gone, here in Zagreb. Gray, fogy and rainy days are upon us and there is no sense in fighting the fall that has arrived. Long sleeves, scarves even and no more open toes. Fall is here to stay for several months and it only seemed natural to see what this September has in store for us when it comes to fall fashion.

My usual color palette when it comes to clothes depends on the weather, so it is only natural to assume that with colder days and less sun my wardrobe would only go darker in color. But!! To avoid total black look from head to toe, I am thinking of incorporating some burgundy, if that will go with my skin tone, that is yet to be determined.

These are my favorite picks, I am so in love with these flat boots and the skirt. Although it would seem obvious to pair this skirt with high heels, this season I am totally into this boy/girl, feminine/tomboyish mixing of pieces.

The "casual" picks are no brainier for me because I usually mostly (99%) of the time wear skinnys and boots, flats are the easiest, and although I do like cooler days because of the layers, the lack of sun slows me down to a point I have no desire to actually dress up. Crazy right?
What are yours top choices this fall? And how does fall look like where you are from, warm and colorful or gray and rainy?


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