If I got a penny for every time I asked myself that very question - I`d had a bag of coins I couldn`t use here where I live. But seriously, this morning I have stumbled upon (no pun intended) a blog that had an amazing theme (not WP apparently) and I wanted to know which was it.
Usually I would scroll down and read it in the footer, if such information was provided. And this time it was not. I was so disappointed. Well, I could always ask the owner, but then again, who wants to have the same blog design as someone else. Not really cool. Seems like stealing in a way, right? So I bookmarked her blog and left the premises.
As if the universe knew, an idea to visit Nubby Twiglet`s blog (which I love love to read, she is an amazing designer, full of inspiring advice and I would imagine a beautiful person /she is friends with Gala after all/) just popped in my mind only to find an article about how to find out what WP theme someone is using. I looked around wondering is this a joke. Exactly what I needed.
What WordPress Theme Is That? is a nifty little page with all the answers I needed. Or non as it turned out. So I tried few other blogs that turned out to have been using some themes not related to WP until I found one. Bazinga! What WordPress Theme Is That? is really a great source of information, not only because it gives you the answer about the name of the theme in question but it gives you information about all the plug-ins that blogger is using and if that theme is a child or parent theme, and which one.
The part about plug-ins was very helpful and valuable to me for many reasons (hello pinterest and instagram widgets), so thank you so much Shauna. Since I am "a bit green" in this whole WP & blogging world discovering articles like this one are of the biggest importance for me and make me very happy. I didn`t even imagine that it is possible for that kind of page to exist. But, considering the times and the world we live in - there are no surprises, if you can think it it must exist. I am sure of it.
I feel like I have discovered America.
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