First with the title. The ugly shoe. What may be ugly for other, most of the times is super appealing to me. It has became somewhat a rule. If you enter the store full of shoes, I will of course admire all the pretty things displayed, but that special bump and shiver that makes my heart skip a beat would, withouot a doubt go to, in opinion of others, the ugliest shoe in the store.
I like to think that I am just more fashion forward than most people, and that for sure beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. Having that in mind, I went totally nuts when I saw these.
I can already picture myself wearing them with different outfits. From super formal and/or feminine to casual tomboy-ish. My first pick were these super awesome cut-out ankle boots from choies, but they are a bit pricy for me at the time.
What would you pair them with, and what is your stand, in general on these kinds of shoes?
I am positive they'd anticipate garments, jewelry, or maybe the newest gadget, but although most of these are quite terrific presents, they are seriously not as helpful or effective to the consumer.
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