j.crew leo b-cap.
I know, my obsession with certain animal spots is taking its toll, and I usually don't wear them (almost never, except when its snowing outside, and I am shuffling snow, so the flakes wouldn't get in my eyes) - but I would totally LOVED to own this beauty. And would wear it everywhere, but not before my hair grows longer, I think I look silly with caps on short hair. Which is so not important for this particular topic.
With no further a due...
p.s. I wouldn't mind to own the rest of this outfit, or even a whole collection, for that matter.
joj svida mi se ta floral suknja!
Oh that's a gorgeous look! I love it! I really like your blog! I'm glad that I found it! It would be nice if you could stop by my blog sometime too (I'm from England) as I post my outfits, personal style, likes and much more :) :)
Amazing look! Everything's perfect:)
Check out my blog: http://theprintedsea.blogspot.de/
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