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Fashion: march wishlist // spring inspiration

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March wishlist

With March already in motion, spring is just around the corner and it is time for spring inspired March wishlist.
Short sleeves, sandals and bare legs. Sunglasses and bright colors. Can`t wait for warm feel of sun on my skin, to paint my nails different colors of happy and bright.

march wishlist

march wishlist  march wishlist

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11

This wishlist is also available to check out on my fashiolista account



International Women's Day

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Happy International Women's Day

women`s day

I love what Lucy Hale said on social media:
"Happy International Women's Day. Today I'm celebrating myself and the strong women I'm fortunate to have in my life. This year lets be better to ourselves, judge a little less and lift each other up a little more.I hope today you appreciate the unique person you are and share a little love with the bad ass chicks around you."

As women we should empower each other, not bring each other down #InternationalWomensDay and it is sad that so many women "forget" that through the year. I am not much of a feminist but I am all for empowering people no matter the sex, age, color or whatever. We are all the same light.

Since today is #InternationalWomensDay I raise my voice to all the ladies around the world, strong and powerful, and to those shy and scared, maybe lost and for them to find their light and their voice. Every day of the year, not just today. And if you are the one that rules the world look around and take the others with you :)


Hello March

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Hello March!

I know I am few days late, we are already 5 days in the month but still I want to greet you dear sunny, spring month - so hello March! I wish for both of us for you to be nice and warm, with lots of sun and great spring outfits.

Dear (faux of course) fur coat, I love you but I think it is time to part ways for this winter and for you to transform to bright light jackets and blazers, and my dear rubber boots, my Uggs, it has been a lovely, moderate winter  - I will remember you fondly. Bye now.

hello march

wearing Zara canary yellow bow pumps (collection spring 2014), Calzedonia socks and Reserved skirt (collection 2014)

A lot has happened since you came, dear March. I went back to work, after 3 months of bedrest - and for real this time. The pain is gone (98% of the time) and I feel so much better. Being at home was an interesting experience which I would gladly repeat but not by being ill but healthy and kicking, and able to use the time off for interesting projects and creative work.

Being at home "sick" - I can`t come to terms with that word and what it represents mainly because I didn`t feel sick, I just had my back hurt and needed to rest until doctor gave the OK. I feel my situation was a small setback compared to battles other people fight so... It made me more apreciative of my health and my body, aware of the situation and how life changes and how one must accept the situation but still make the most of it while recuperating. It was very hard for me to stop training 6 days a week, it was hard for me to come to terms with all that in my head, my body needed rest anyway. It was strange and sometimes difficult to resist the call of working out and still is. Baby steps and I will get there :)

On a much happier thought - hair. I chopped it all of and now have a pixie. Photos will follow in a later post on some later date, but for now lets recap the last few looks. Bob. Bob. Oh look - bob again. Bangs, no bangs (ok, not no bangs but longer version). Bangs again. Too short. Ooopsie. Blonde. Copper. Brown. Natural. Sometimes I am amazed that I have any hair at all, with all that coloring and experiments. But I do. And thank you motheer nature for that.

I went super short this time because my little adventure in platinum blonde land did not go as planned and now I must pay the consequences. Cut my losses. Because it was a loss. The biggest ever. My hair was completely destroyed and with all the breakage and dryness and depigmentation the only sane move was to cut it. and for the first time in my life I am actually sorry for having to do it and I miss my hair teribly. To quote Adele one must "reap what you sowed." Not to get all dramatic and stuff but... "we could`ve had it all..."

Hello March, I hope you like my totally random and rumbling post. Be nice.


4 delicious stews

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Sitting at my desk and trying to narrow down possible topics for next post, my attention gets transferred outside the window to a cold, gray and gloomy weather and city - and it got me thinking how I can`t wait for spring to come. These days, although thank heavens there is not much rain or snow, it still gets so cold that I wonder is it possible to get any more clothes on, or is it just me? Tea! Give me hot, boiling tea to warm me up. Don`t care about burns, just get me warm. This silly strain of thought led from tea to food (of course) and to thinking about what to cook for lunch next week. I need something new, tasty but quick and easy to make. So this idea prevailed and I decided to browse pinterest (google, what is google? - a quick spellchecker if you ask me) for suitable and interesting recipes. And I narrowed it down to these 4 delicious stews, and I hope you will like them and that I will try to make at least one of them next week.

Winter is almost over and spring will be here in no time (YAY!). But while we wait for sun to finally take over and warmer weather takes charge, days are still a bit chilly and a good heartwarming delicious stew is perfect remedy for getting warmer. And well fed. All while being super healthy. Here are recipes/links for 4 delicious stews to keep last days of winter warm and tasty.

4 delicious stews to get warm

1. Homemade Minestrone Soup {Slow Cooker}

2. Spinach and White Bean Soup

3. Coconut Curried Sweet Potato & Chickpea Stew

4. Magical healing soup

I am currently on rotation with "kale & white bean with sausage" and "beef & carrots with gnocchi" stew every few days and breaking the pattern with different quick and easy dishes like enchiladas or chicken with rice/pasta and some sauce to top it with. That said it is more than obvious I need new flavors and new recipes and I think I have made an interesting list with these 4 delicious stews I have yet to try. Hope all goes well :)

If you have some recipes you love to cook and would like to share feel free to drop me an e-mail or leave a note in comments. I would love to hear your recommendations :)





Link love

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Thursday night means it is time for link love list. It has been a while and a hoarder in me has a pretty big list of interesting link,s but not all will make today's cut.

link love


  • If you are looking for a community to boost your blog or business, see what Sarah recommends and feel free to join. They are very helpful and as it seems very warm and welcoming. 

  • Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are is a simple mantra but also a title to an interesting and as it seems awesome book that you (and me) need to read.

  • THE BEST and my personal favorite tumblr that has ever existed! I am maybe a bit crazy about it but I can`t help all the beautiful imagery they post. I can`t even wait to finish this post so I can just glue my eyes to the screen...

  • Are you into sports? Who is not into sports these days, really? (me at the moment, duh!) But are you into circus kind of sports. Here is circus dictionary for you. Yup. You read that right. I`m sure 99% of people I know, or that visit/stumble upon this page will not need this info - ever. But looks fun, right? Yoga practitioners could try it out.

  • If circus is a bit much for you and prefer something more conventional like running, here are some useful tips on how to buy right running shoes. Up until I read this article my one and only requirement when it came to running shoes was if they were neon pink. Don`t be me and read the stuff.

  • Since we are talking footwear here is another useful source of information but this time regarding high heels.

  • And last but not least, blogging link - SEO for Bloggers: The Non-Techie Guide
    This guide is actually pretty amazing and helped me really understand some points of SEO that I was (still) a bit fuzzy about.


Mix and match: stripes and leopard print go together

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When I woke up this morning it was Monday again, another week of "house arrest" which in general is not bad and I kind of like it, but at times one can go crazy of all the TV and internet stuff. At times like these I usually read a book (or take a nap) or resort to crafting of some kind (I didn`t say I finish what I start) but today was not a day for books or crafts. It was a stripes and leopard print kind of a day.

It was a "I can shoot my own outfits, all by my self" kind of a day. No biggie. I can`t say that these photos are super quality but at least I had fun chasing our cats out of the "shooting area". Boys really are photogenic but they had their chance...

stripes and leopard printstripes and leopard printstripes and leopard printstripes and leopard printstripes and leopard print

That stripes and leopard print go together is a well know fact and one of my favorite examples of mix and match.

I can imagine few more fun mixes, like stripes with floral or with dots, but this one is really something special. And I am not sure if you will ever witness me wearing anything floral (I have a strange issue with flowery clothes) even if it were paired up with (my all time favorite)  - stripes.

And I am totally amazed how intensive my hair color is! I have to say I don`t see it that way in the mirror. Crazy hair. How do you like the color?

I am wearing a thrifted leopard print blazer/shirt, H&M striped tee & hat, Sisely jeans and F21 silver shoes, vogue eye wear.

Snowed in to-do list

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snowed in to do list

Snow is falling all around me, children playing, having fun ... and I am back in the holiday mood. It has been snowing nonstop for the past two days and all I can say is - I am in need of a serious snowed in to-do list! What to do? What to do? This snowed in to-do list is something I came up with because I have been on house "arrest" for past 2 months and I am kind of going crazy. Not that my days are any different with or without snow, but... making a snowed in to-do list was actually fun, inspiring and creative and gave me few ideas for next couple of days. And I can already cross some of them off the list. Like PJs all day, every day! But seriously, if you are being held captive by enormous amounts of snow and have a hard time finding out what to do with yourself, here is my error proof - in case of emergency - survival kit snowed in to-do list! Have fun and feel free to add your ideas to the list.


  1. Make a list

  2. Movie marathon

  3. Bake

  4. Sew/crochet/knit/CREATE

  5. Build a snowman

  6. Snowball fight

  7. Sledding

  8. Outdoor winter photoshoot

  9. Try new recipe

  10. Sleep in

  11. Spend the day in PJs

  12. Walk in the snow

  13. Take photos of snow

  14. Have a game night

  15. Have a romantic night

  16. Make snow ice-cream

  17. Make snow angels

  18. Make a snow fort

  19. Write a letter

  20. Clean out your sock drawer (or any other)

  21. Update/clean your address book and/or desktop etc...

  22. Have a candlelit dinner

  23. Wear a crown

  24. Dance

  25. Live in the moment

I am so looking forward to few of the numbers from the list! Don`t forget to tell me your ideas and how would you spend your snowed in days.

Currently loving: Jewelry - History + Industry

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Currently loving: Jewelry - History + Industry

Metal, wood, semi-precious stones. Contemporary design that meets artifact heritage. All hand crafted in mesmerizing staple pieces of jewelry that captures the essence of magical femininity. Bold but feminine, with ability to transform any look and to leave eternity's worth of impressions. You can bet I am currently loving this amazing jewelry from History + Industry made by talented Irene Wood.

Although I am more of a minimalistic gold neck pieces lately I could not turn my head away from their instagram account that first introduced me to the brand. History + Industry is Brooklyn based studio that makes really stunning pieces of art. The owner has strong art history and knows her way around the stones. I love how all these materials are combined in perfect harmonious statement necklaces without being too much or chaotic. I feel like every necklace has its own personal story and such strong energy oozes from each one, like the stones give them special powers and makes them alive.

Besides necklaces, you can find amazing earrings and bracelets that are equally captivating in beauty of the design.


Disclaimer: This post was not sponsored, I just like the brand.

January recap

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The first month of 2015 is behind us. 30+ days went by in a flash. I did so much, but I know I could`ve done much more. At the end of 2014 I was writing up my goals, resolutions and plans for 2015, for the first months to catch the momentum so my year would have a solid start for great (new) adventures. My resolution was to try whatever opportunity life gave me, so I did. More or less. One of my resolutions, plans and milestones was to have a recap at the end of each month and evaluate the month passed. So, this is my first and grand January recap.

In January I had 8 posts, less than last years 13, but more than in December 2014. The numbers are not really the reason I post, but keep in mind that, like it or not, we people do love numbers. In all the shapes and sizes, but that does not mean we don`t care about quality as well. For me, if it were all about the numbers I would have given up on blogging a long time ago. And with that in mind, I know I should post more, but resistance sometimes gets the best of me. So I post when I feel like it. I struggle sometimes with themes and subjects of my posts, and I try to avoid posting for sake of posting. All in all, I am OK with the way the year started, blog wise. And here`s to improvement!

Of all other plans and ideas to check of my 2015 resolution list, I checked the "go back to sketching" one. I even added some water coloring.

I upped my game on Instagram, took more photos, kept my 5 minute journal at OK level. I practice gratefulness and intention every day, and recognize signs of opportunity one by one.

Eating healthier after holiday craze is also on fast track to success. A lot of veggies and less and less crap. Eating fast food is (again) becoming unappealing for me more each day and I am so happy about it since I am such a junkie. Or, was. Yay!

january outfitsSome January outfits that made grey, gloomy rainy days a bit brighter and happier. Although I was at work only for 7.5 days before sick leave was reinforced and PJs were back on schedule as all day dressing attire.

All in all January was good and I am thankful for the way it turned out. I met one amazing woman and had so many great ideas and made some plans, so I look forward to the future and making this January recap even more successful February recap. Hello February and welcome.

How was your January? Do you like how your year started and what was the most memorable moment in last 30 days?

Mine was when I really spent the day away from procrastinating on Pinterest or TV, but read, sketched, cooked and had a great day, almost totally unplugged. I was so surprised how natural it was for me to spend it that way. Maybe it was just what I needed. I guess I just need to listen more carefully.

Tell me about your month and what are your plans for February.

Shades of grey // the winter edition

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shades of grey_collage1 shades of grey_collage2 shades of grey_collage3

Days have never been as gloomy as past few days. Rain and heavy clouds, wind and cold that just keeps creeping in right to the bone. It seems that the world around me is in infinite shades of grey. I prefer my winter more white, to be honest. Since the internet is currently being spammed by salves of people rumbling about THE movie, here is my contribution on the subject. Shade wise.

When it comes to fashion, on the other hand, and art, design, decor etc. grey is one of the colors I really like. I have to say my winter months are mostly spent in black and/or grey, but at the same time they don`t make me gloomy or depressed as the weather does.

Somehow black and grey give me the strength and I feel very confident and powerful wearing them. For me there is something soothing in color grey. So Zen. (although today I am wearing pastel pink, stripes and leopard)

How do you spend your winter months, wearing blacks and greys or maybe more bright colors to clash with boring weather? Is your mood influenced by colors? Tell me, I would really like to know.
photo source: pinterest, google

Say cheese pin up girl

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pin up girlpin up girl pin up girl pin up girl

Say cheese pin up girl! This is another pin up inspired photo shoot I did in December. This one is a bit less elegant and feminine but still very much inspired by the great 1950`s. Retro vibe is all a girl sometimes needs and you know how much I love that retro vibe.

My favorite piece is that vintage camera I got from my Dad. I remember when I was a little girl, back then we took so much more photos then today, and my parents would commemorate any moment they managed to with that camera. I remember my Dad showing me how to take photos with it, so when I got a bit older he would let mi practice. The photos were of course horrible but I loved it!

p.s. beware of doughnut belly fat in the first photo. Oh, well, that`s me :D

The stories we tell

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stories_we_tellThe middle of the week. We are half way there and it`s almost weekend, again. I have been trying to write a post for the past hour or so and all I have gotten out of it are delays, problems, malfunctions and tantrum-y programs and machines. I hope they had their fit so we can commence. 

But that is not THE story I wanted to tell. Although the moment (of the original story) is more or less gone, the fragments that resided will hopefully be enough to save the story in one way or another. I wanted to tell a story about telling stories. And we all tell stories. One way or another.

Whether we are storytellers, writers, photographers or painters, actors, musicians or parents telling their children fairy tales before bed, individuals reminiscing about moments gone, telling stories is natural to all human beings. Some people are better and more creative about presenting them, some are shy and secretive and keep them hidden for their own pleasure. But in the end, moments captured in storytelling works of art are memories and emotions that live forever. 

Thinking about ways to tell a story, to capture a moment or hold on to a memory got me thinking about that book "Stuffocation" that basically lies on a premise that people today are more and more suffocated by stuff, thus the expression "stuffocation" and that living the stories, lives, moments and collecting them as adventures and memories, in the end again and again stories to tell, remember and share are more and more important than any object you can buy.

Clothes and gadgets (and all other stuff) have become so accessible and cheap, we are suffocated by trends and must haves that most people think that getting that coveted item will make them happy in the end. And sure, maybe it will make you happy for few weeks but then, another item will come around and consume you wholere with the need to own it. So we go around the world, with our heads stuck in "stuffs", on the run to get that hot new stuff that everybody is raving about, forgetting to tell the story. Any kind of a story. Except the one about getting THE stuff.

I am not saying that we need to go "native" return to the cave and abandon all the privileges 2015 can offer us. I am just saying, look around and tell me your story. 

My story (for this blog entry) is this - I wanted to tell a story about telling stories. LOL. Maybe this whole post seems a bit coocoo and random, but hey, this is my story and this is the way I decided to tell it.

Use resources around you to be your art - cameras, pens and pencils, colors and canvases, words and strokes, and let the art you make, the story you tell be your history.

Maybe some of the coveted items have special and sentimental value and I respect that. I would probably hold on to that one too, but I think there is nothing more valuable than a story you poured your whole heart, soul and being into. Even if it is a quiet (but special and with the right intention) night (or any part of the day in any way you want it) with someone special, a loved one, a friend, relative, parent, someone whose company makes you happy, the product of your storytelling, even if it be a personal journal entry, will have unmeasurable value as a memory and a story to remember.

Some stories come as more spontaneous moments, but are equally important. Because the beauty is in the eye of the beholder and every story is worth telling.

p.s. I had this incredible urge to write this storytelling post and I could have written it in one of my journals or notebooks but the urge wanted it more public. And for few days this idea was floating in my mind, in different shapes and sizes, and then in the end this came out. What do you think of it?

Pin up girl

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pin up girlpin up girlpin up girl

“Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.”
~ M. Monroe

These are some photos I did with my hubby back in December. I am wearing Audrey dress from LindyBop and bow heels from Primark. Stockings are from Calzedonia and jewelry is unknown. Dressing up as a pin up girl is always a pleasure. I adore 1950s fashion and sometimes daydream about time traveling back and enjoying the era first hand. I have few `50s inspired skirts and dresses that I wear with a modern touch.


 Special thanks to Slavko and Ozy, my furry little friends that made these photos even special.


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New in! What to say than YAY, and #OlympusPenGeneration! Love this baby.

Although small(er) than DSLR and slim in size, the PEN baby packs a real punch when it comes to image quality. I can have nice, professional looking photos with great image quality, better than phone photos at least.

The design is really cool and the camera feels absolutely great to hold, and I love that about it, light and easy to handle. And it fits in my work bag perfectly. I love how easy it is to take pictures because all the buttons and dials are in just the right spot. The grip lets me get a steady hold even on the spur of the moment and when I’m shooting at awkward angles.

Olympus PEN is a mirror-less camera. In comparison to DSLR, where is the difference?

In a mirror-less camera, light passes through the lens and right onto the image sensor, which captures a preview of the image to display on the rear screen. Some models also offer a second screen inside an electronic viewfinder (EVF) that you can put your eye to (add on).

DSLRs use the same design as the 35mm film cameras. A mirror inside the camera body reflects the light coming in through the lens up to a prism (or additional mirrors) and into the viewfinder for you to preview your shot. When you press the shutter button, the mirror flips up, a shutter opens and the light falls onto the image sensor, which captures the final image.



DSLR camera bodies are comparatively larger, as they need to fit in the mirror and prism.

Auto-focus speed - there are so many theories here, as experts say it`s a draw. The best mirror-less cameras match DSLRs for fast auto-focus. Which means, if you mean serious business you need a serious camera. Mirror-less or DSLR.

Viewfinder/previewing images - With a DSLR, the optical viewfinder shows you exactly what the camera will capture. With a mirror-less camera, you get a preview of the image on-screen, and sometimes also through an EVF. Verdict: For many situations, especially low-light shooting, the DSLR's optical viewfinder is more accurate.

When it comes to image quality and image stabilization, experts say it`s a draw too, but mirror-less camera takes the prize when it comes to speed and video quality.

On battery issue, DSLR wins the round, as well on question and lenses and accessories due to DSLRs have access to a far greater variety. Although with #olympuspengeneration cameras you have the ability to use the lens adapter to widen your lens choice.


The verdict:

A mirror-less camera is better for a casual to semi-serious photographer who wants an all-day carry camera. A serious or pro shooter who wants access to a wider range of lenses and other gear would be better off with a DSLR. One area where there is no difference is image quality. Both modern DSLR and mirror-less cameras can take excellent photos.


I hope this was not a boring post for you, I felt like something needed to be said about the type of the camera, besides just "yay, I bought this baby and that`s it" because I feel it is nice to have some information, like a type of an introduction or brief explanation on (any) interesting products, especially this type, since bloggers use them so often. When I started writing this post, I didn`t really had in mind writing such long one, or so technical, but then I was somehow mentally transported into a readers point of view, and I asked myself, if this was the first that I heard about #olympuspengeneration, would I even know what is that? I would have thought "oh, it`s a nice little camera that fits in my bag". Seriously. And at first I did.


Mirror-less camera? So, there are cameras WITH mirrors? I am clueless about photography in so many ways but this much I have learned. The rest is yet to be discovered. But what I wanted to say, from readers point of view, and the one who doesn`t really read photography news on a daily basis I wanted to provide a short, useful description about the product and explain that there is a difference and why there is one. It saves the trouble to the wondering mind. I hope it helped.


Please feel free to share your impressions about this post and your thoughts on the subject. What camera do you use? Which one do you, or would you prefer?

January wishlist

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january wishlist


The holidays are over, new year has begun and January sales have begun. What to buy? What to buy? I have been entertaining myself with window shopping, khm, hypothetical on line shopping and made a January wishlist. Few essential items that would make my life complete. And my wallet substantially thinner.

As you can see I have presented you with a collage of carefully selected items that represent usual winter color palette - black with occasional blop of "color". Yes, like most of people I succumbed to the winter color scheme trend where something bright and vibrant such as red or yellow cannot be found even if it were a matter of life and death. Not to sound overly dramatic, of course. 

This little ensemble would be my every day work choice, a base of casual (breton), hint of edge (boots and jacket), a sprinkle of femininity to show I am still a girly girl all rounded up with bad ass accessories and a coffee cup which, in fact would not contain any coffee at all. Tea. Cocoa. (vodka maybe, just kidding) but, coffee I`m afraid is not my cup of tea. Tea is. Allergic to it. Coffee not tea.

What do you think? I still plan on doing some post holiday shopping but I think that will be more early February shopping that anything else. I was, as a matter of a fact in serious money spending (hello Xmas bonus!) moment last weekend, but was totally disappointed with what I found. I am more of a store shopper rather than an online, due to not so regular sized proportions so, I really have to see it fit just the way I want it, and that turns out to be a bust in... too many cases I would like. So, as usual most of the thing didn`t fit, like, at all... or they didn`t even have it in my size. 

I decided to wait and buy something I will really like, although for a bigger price I guess but that is better, I think than to buy anything just for sake of buying and sales, if it ends up in  the back of my closet.

What are your experiences with January sales? What would/did you buy? I know it`s 2,5 more months till spring, but, I kind of feel like I don`t need to be buying winter clothes after NYs, right? What would be on your January wishlist?


Item info:

New year resolution

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2015 resolution

If you could write a text to the you a year ago to prepare yourself for 2014 WHAT WOULD YOU SAY?

New year resolution(s). Every year millions of people make lists, promises and dreams for the year ahead, encouraged by the success or the failure of the same. Either way, planing a better self, a better life for yourself is always a good way to go even if you don`t cross all the things from said list. New year resolutions are often ridiculed and laughed at because well, most of us suck at completing them. I suck at completing them. Most of the time. And that is OK. So what is different this year? I didn`t make one. Yet.

My new year resolution is to try. I got only that one. To try to write. To be the better version of myself. To try to be happier when it comes to work/hobbies, more positive and less annoyed by meaningless words, deeds and people. Try not to complain and always look on the bright side (of life). Just to try. The rest will follow.

I have several tasks, milestones, lists I wish to accomplish this year and I will try to, first make them, then stick to some points... just try... and the most important, I will try not to give up (so/to) easily. That is my biggest challenge. My new year resolution is to TRY (anything and everything).

And with that said, remember this, you can`t go wrong. I would like to share these words from Neil Gaiman with you about mistakes.

"I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes.

Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. Your`re doing things you`ve never done before, and more importantly, you`re Doing Something.

So that`s my wish for you, and all of us, and my wish for myself. Make New Mistakes. Make glorious, amazing mistakes. Make mistakes nobody`s ever made before. Don`t freeze, don`t stop, don`t worry that it isn`t good enough, or it isn`t perfect, whatever it is: art, or love, or work, or family, or life.

Whatever it is you`re scared of doing. Do it.

Make your mistakes, next year and forever."

I love this. LOVE. I am scared. All the time. And because of that fear I let life get by me, doing nothing, just sitting in fear of not being good enough. I don`t really understand why is that and that is a topic for another post. But for now, let`s not be scared and let`s do some mistakes. Epic shit.

Just try.

A lot can happen in a year. A lot. (or nothing really, it`s your choice)

I choose a bountiful year full of mistakes, people, places, dreams and epic shit I`ve done. I choose to recognize every day as a chance to be a creator of awesome things. Awesome things I desire, dream of, create, think, write. I choose to be present every day and let magic happen. I choose to seize the day and try.

Don`t put pressure on yourself, on your resolution(s), lists, anything. Baby steps. Just try.

And if all this feels like load of crap... here is one final piece of advice I will make my mantra for life:

SMILE LIKE A MONKEY WITH A NEW BANANA. that is it. the best of me. it`s not really mine, I found it online.

Stay focused and extra sparkly.


Happy 2015

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happy 2015

Happy new year! Welcome 2015. I am sure you are going to be just splendid. Full of marvelous new adventures, wonderful memories, places and people. I know you are going to be awesome. So, here is to you! Cheers! Clank!

Here is something to think about and incorporate in daily life in 2015.
Never looking back or too far in front of me. The present is a gift, and I just wanna BE.

In the spirit of this quote, I am not going to tell you all about my plans, resolutions and overall excitement that is currently overwhelming my head. No, I am going to enjoy this moment of quiet first day of January (btw hello January) and write my five minute journal. Watch quietly last hours of first day of 2015 as they pass by. Tomorrow is friYAY, and although I don`t go to work, I can`t help but say - yay it`s Friday!

Happy 2015 everyone!